Monday, 27 April 2020

Covid Blog 28

What an eventful day I had today.... as you will read from this blog 
It started with a late wake at about 7.45 am with a look at the television to see what was happening with the virus and it was great news with very few new cases in Australia and only 1 in the last 24 hours in Victoria.
After breakfast we were delighted to see my daughter and a couple of her children as they made their way to the doctor for flu injections... it was all done with proper social distancing rules
After they left it was time to finish another stage in the exterior painting job at home. Yes with good weather it was relatively easy to get the painting done well prior to lunch.
After lunch it was on to the bike for a shorter ride.... you would not believe it but I happened to meet Ray and another guy on the bike path which was great. We agreed to stay well apart when riding to ensure the social distancing rules were complied with.
The ride was broken with a short stop for a takeaway coffee near Westgarth station..... most enjoyable in the sun!
After finishing the coffee I proceeded towards the Anniversary Trail near the Chandler Highway.... when I looked behind to see no Ray.... turning around I then saw that Ray had been involved in an accident with a car turning off Heidelberg Road knocking Ray off his bike.
Fortunately Ray’s helmet prevented him from having a serious injury. The passenger in offending vehicle kindly rang for an ambulance which arrived with police in a matter of minutes....
Ray was in shock but his injuries seemed to be relatively minor thankfully.... the ambulance paramedics were very good and took time to check Ray to ensure he was ok... and after an initial recommendation to go to a hospital for a check up, Ray convinced them he was ok to travel home with his wife who was coming to pick him up.
The police were also very good and interviewed us all and were approached by a local resident who had provided security camera pictures of the accident.
Ray’s bike was not badly damaged except for a broken derailleur hanger and a few scratches.... all very lucky given the circumstances 
The ambulance paramedics and police left after Ray was checked and there was no doubt in my mind that these guys were great and we are indeed luck to have such a professional and well trained team of first responders in Victoria 
After Ray was picked up it was time to head home as the day was drawing to a close and the weather was cooler as I headed home.
I felt that Ray had really been lucky with this and after returning home I received a text to say he was ok.... thank god!
On a positive note the ride today marked the achievement of riding 1000 kms for the month... a record for this year for me.
As I said earlier in this blog it was truly an eventful day with ups and downs!

Now for a few photos 
Coffee at Phil’s .....

The scene of the accident....
Ray was extremely fortunate that he was not badly injured 

Today’s ride

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