Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Covid Blog 15

Today was a day of work at Rye....
Up at 6.30 am to be ready for a delivery of the skip to take all the furniture from the hostel next door as we ready the property for rental 
The bin arrived after breakfast and after a coffee at the Blairgowrie coffee shop Chris and the kids arrived to help remove the furniture from number 2
The job was remarkably smooth with the ability to use the chain saw to selectively break items in to smaller pieces to fit in the bin.
Both Cooper and Mikala were very helpful and took smaller items to the skip
We finished the job by about midday and celebrated with a coffee and hot chocolate at Blairgowrie 
After the break Chris and the kids headed back to Melbourne and I had lunch
After lunch I cleaned up the remainder of the house and picked the remaining vegetables from the veggie patch...
I then dug the garden over to ready it for the next lot of winter vegetables
Finally I finished the day’s work by 4.30 pm and showered and went to Wollies to get a few items for the next few days
Dinner tonight was pasta with Mexican sauce... a good carbo loading meal ahead of a bike ride tomorrow.... maybe but depends on the weather 
Today was quite warm despite being cloudy 
If it is like this tomorrow should be great 

Now for the photos....
Bin filled with the help of the grandchildren!

Veggie garden now dug over

Dinner on the boil....

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