Monday, 20 April 2020

Covid Blog 21

Gosh this is the 3rd week of this blog... hard to believe when you are having fun “at home”taking steps to deal with the virus... based on reporting today it seems that the famous curve is doing the right thing !
It seems that some of the gains over recent times are encouraging people to think we should relax the restrictions on contacting others and social distancing... I hope that sanity prevails and we keep this going until there is some sense that the virus contagion has been stopped.
There seems to be some folk who think we can go back to normal and not stay the course 
Anyway it was on with the day with a start at 6.00am with a wake up and get ready to travel to Rye to meet with the cleaning guys and get another step on the way to rental of number 2 Helena 
The trip down to Rye was very good with very little traffic on the road , which was great and I suspect will continue for some weeks ahead.
The cleaners arrived and did a terrific job in getting the house ready for advertising for lease 
After a bite for lunch I went to the local white goods store to purchase an upright stove as the current kitchen has no oven and a fairly poor set of cooking plates.
After the purchase it was time to head back to Rye to mow the lawns in number 4 .... it was good to get outside in the nice afternoon sun and do some chores 
After a bit of work in the garden, I changed and went on a walk to the beach and shops .... it was good to visit the beach and see how nature works almost in another world of the virus.... funny really that we seem so involved in our own world of the virus that we forget the simple things in life like the wonderful world we live in
The walk was good and the weather was turning cool by the time I came home.
Reflecting on the day over dinner it was a good one with a few things done even though there was no riding on the agenda 
I have just watched a couple of great programs on the ABC on their 7.30 Report and 4 Corners programs... the 7.30 Report contained an interesting interview with Malcolm Turnbull our former Prime Minister who has just released a book. 4 Corners program was devoted to a story on the virus and the way Australia has dealt with this over the past few months.
All good and interesting 

Now for a few photos 
... a new stove for number 2

Swans on the beach...

... and seagulls 
These seagulls normally reside at the MCG stadium picking up scraps after the patrons leave the ground... no games no scraps!!!

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