The day started early with. 6.30 am wake-up to help with getting breakfast on Easter Sunday...
It was raining so I decided to delay the normal 7.30 am ride start to 8.30 which enabled me to go to Breadstreet to get hot cross buns and bread. David Winter was in the shop and explained that this Easter his turnover was up as a result of everyone being at home rather than on holiday. A great result really and one of the curious unintended consequences of the virus on businesses.
Arriving home I found the Easter Bunny had arrived with Easter Eggs distributed strategically around the home... luckily the bunny avoided hiding the eggs outside!
All very good for the egg hunt later in the day...
After breakfast it was off on the ride through the city, along Beach Road, and to Sandringham for coffee... wouldn’t you know it there were a couple of mates at the coffee shop so we were able to share a story or so!
After coffee it was home at about 1.00 pm for lunch...
After lunch it was time for Chris and I to get on with some running repairs to the barge boards that were rotted out
Thank god chris had the right tools to get the jobs done... I really struggle with this home handyman stuff!
Anyway it was great to get the bulk of the work done with me being the labour and Chris being the brains and the guy on the ladder.
After completing the work Chris had to do a few chores at his house and I was happy doing the tidy up.
After completing most of the work I checked in with Jodie, Sam and their children and Nick and Catherine and their children and it seems the Easter Bunny was very busy last night
After achieving a lot today I was happy to have a beer and glass of wine and reflect o the strange Easter we are having but realise that family can endure the peculiarities that are presented with the virus
Although the weather started with rain the day cleared to be a good one ... cloudy but dry!
Now for the photos
Task one computer... new barge board new back door!
The back corner eves repaired...
.....and new barge board...
The bike needed a clean as well!!!
Today’s ride... interesting route through some different parts of Melbourne
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