Saturday, 23 May 2020

Covid Blog 53

Today started with very cold and drizzling weather... yuck!
After consulting with the radar I decided that it was ok to do the normal short Saturday ride and sent a note to the boys that we should go ahead!
After some breakfast it was off to the Purvis corner to meet Phil and Abdy.... great to see Phil out on the ride!
After making our way up the dreaded Elgar Road hill we met Ellio at Doncaster Shopping Centre for the rest of the ride... although there was a fair bit of drizzle we made our way along the route to Mitcham where we made a slight detour along the rail trail rather than Whitehorse Road. This detour was taken as the traffic along Whitehorse Road seems  to have increased and I am concerned about safety... we did have a slight incident along Doncaster Road with a slightly aggressive motorist who tooted at us!!
Must be the effects of coming out from the lockdown!!!
At Laburnum we stopped for coffees at a lovely cafe where we had a great chat. I was fortunate to see a former school fried who was a member of the 1969 5th rowing crew with me.. his name is Garry Grace and I have not seen him since I left school over 50 years ago!!!
After exchanging contact details we agreed to catch up again when the rules are relaxed about dining together 
The ride home was good as the sun started to poke through the clouds...
After lunch I traveled into the city to have a haircut... the barber I use is very good and is able to search my very barren skull to make something of what little I have!!
The trip home was very slow with heavy traffic on the roads!
When I arrived home it was great to see Nick and 2 of his girls who arrived to pick up the Ute to pick up some furniture 
The rest of the afternoon was spent sorting out the woodpile and lighting the fire ... a very uneventful afternoon really as the weather closed in with drizzle continuing 
The day was quite unproductive for me but restful after the ride
Now for the photos 

Today’s ride 

Me with Garry Grace at coffee at Laburnum
Great to catch up with him after 50 years!

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