Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Covid Blog 43

I had arranged to meet Abdy at 9.30 am for a ride at our normal meeting point at the Tooronga rd bridge on the Gardiners Creek trail. This meeting point was established by my other riding partner Ray Taylor. Ray cannot ride at the moment as his bike is being repaired after an accident a few weeks ago. Ray seems ok but naturally he is concerned after being hit by a car!!!
Hopefully he will return to riding in the next few days after his bike is repaired 
Any after a good breakfast it was off in the cold air to meet Abdy. We rode to Williamstown to have a coffee in the park near the harbour which was very pleasant 
The ride from Willie north to Footscray was in to a stiff headwind then we made our way further north of the city via the Capital City trail. The wind turned in to a tail wind as we headed south along the Anniversary Trail to Canterbury which was good 
Arriving home at about 1.00pm I had lunch ahead of packing up to head to Rye. This is necessary as we have a strong rental proposal on the house at number 2 Helena which needs to be sorted out tomorrow 
The trip down to Rye was slow as there is a marked increase in traffic on the roads ahead of the relaxation on restrictions on travel 
Arriving at Rye I was in to an Alkira Zoom conference on risk and finance which we are holding on a weekly basis while the Covid crisis continues.
The call lasted over an hour 
This was not a productive day from a “ chores” viewpoint but I was pleased with the ride today 
Now for a photo of the ride route 

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