Monday, 4 May 2020

Covid Blog 35

Sorry about the numbering on the blog yesterday... seems that I cannot add up properly. Bad for a “ bean counter”!!!
Yes despite this I was awake late again at 7.30 am again!
Seems that the cooler weather is making me very lazy
Yes after waking and dressing I went to Hamilton street to pick up some fresh bread and have a coffee.
Good to have an early morning coffee!
On the way home I was able to catch up with my friend David Crow on his way to the train to the city... good to have a chat and see he and his family are doing well.
After arriving home the grandchildren were up and we had breakfast together.
The morning was spent doing a few chores around home and paperwork 
Looking after Cooper and Mikayla was ok as they seemed focused on either their IPads or watching TV
After lunch it was off for a ride in the cooler weather. I met my friend Abdy and we had a good ride of about 60 kms 
On the way home we saw my son Nick on the bike path with his 3 daughters... out for a bit of fresh air after a day of home schooling.
Arriving home I then took Cooper and Mikayla for a ride locally near home. Good for the 2 children to get out of the house for a time.
Then it was time for a Zoom meeting with my friend in New Zealand...Chris... unfortunately the friend from the UK Steve was unavailable for the call.It was good to catch up and see how he was coping with the Covid lockdown in New Zealand 
We plan on doing this on a monthly basis...
Today was a good day but on the ride it was clear that there is more cars on the road with people seemingly seeing the lower number of cases of Covid as a sign to get back to work. I sincerely hope that this attitude is not misplaced 
Now for a photo 

Today’s ride

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