Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Day 24- Gabcikovo to Esztercom - 120 kms

Today was one of the more challenging days of the ride as you will read later.....
It all started out well with an early wake up at 5.30 am and a pack so we were ready to leave at 6.00am.Unfortunately the front gate to the hotel was locked so Chris has to wake up the owner and have him unlock the gate.
All great for the start of the ride with about 2 kms to bring up 2000 kms traveled on the tour.... yeh big celebration 
We were making great time on the ride for the first 60 kms despite some bad surfaces including a major road where I hit a crevice and managed to have punctures on both wheels... what a real pain!!
This set off a series of mishaps which included me breaking the valve on my spare tube, Chris’s spare tube had a leak so we resorted to my puncture repair kit. We were successful with one tube but the others failed miserably so Chris volunteered to go in to the town ( Kormano) to pick up some new tubes. He arrived back about half an hour later with new tubes..... but they were for mountain bikes so he had to go back again....All in all this added nearly 25 kms on tithe ride for the day !!!
After the respairs were made we returned to the bike shop to get my front tyre checked as the hit on the road surface made an awful mark on the tyre. The guy at the bike shop said I needed a new tyre and I happily obliged . 
After the replacement of the tyre and getting our tyres checked for tyre pressure, we had a salad lunch and we were on our way again. By this time however the clouds were rolling in and it was starting to rain. With about 55 kms to go the rain made for slower going 
 We were due to catch a barge across the river with about 15 kms to go..... so we thought!!!
Barges still operate most days to cross cars, bikes etc .... great way for crossing the river
But Oh No the ferry was not operating so we had to take a longer option. 
The trip in to Ertzergom was achievable through some innovative play by Chris and we made good time 
We arrived at the hostel at about 6.00 pm Gaya long and frustrating days and it was great to have a shower and clean up. After a drink in the bar.... non alcoholic for both of us.... we went to a lovely restaurant within a short distance from the  hostel.
It had very good food 
The day was a long one for us both and as we sit here in our hotel room doing our blogs we are both feeling super tired. 
Tomorrow is s shorter day in to Budapest with about 70 kms to ride.... all good after a big night of sleep 

Now for the photos 

A selfie at 2000 kms!!!

The church at Estergom

In to Hungary....our 6th country 

Home for the night at a very” bohemian “ guest house

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