Sunday, 28 May 2017

LEJOG Trip in July
I will be travelling to the UK to complete ( hopefully) a 3 week ride from Lands End to John O'Groats. I am looking forward to the ride of approx. 1600 kms and seeing some great UK "country during the ride.
I am part of a riding group in Melbourne called the "wheelie binners" and we ride most Sundays together enjoying good rides with coffee at the end of the ride.
We also do various multi-day rides in country Victoria visiting some interesting parts of the State we might not see if we were driving by car.
I have attached a photo of some members of our riding group after a recent Sunday Ride.
I hope you enjoy the Blog of my trip.

Peter Harrison

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  1. Good luck Safe Trip . Cheers Chris M

  2. Good luck dad. All the best for a safe and enjoyable ride. Look forward to seeing lots of photos!!

  3. Hi Peter, Just back from France/Spain and got your email which I have replied to. Now reading your blog which is terrific. Sadly people here think that Lands End is the bottom of England but it's actually the Lizard but a minor point !! Ian
