Monday, 27 November 2017

Day 4 - Heathcote to Seymour -55kms

Last evening we had a great "final dinner" at David's house. The BBQ was expertly prepared by Ellio and the salads by Jeff. Sitting out on the verandah was a very pleasant experience enjoying great food, company and some good red wines ( some from the Heathcote region courtesy of Dave). Although there was a bit of lightening and thunder, the rain stayed away so we could talk about the issues of the day!!!!
After a good night of sleep it was up early (courtesy of the galahs swarking !) and in to breakfast consisting of bacon and eggs on toast expertly cooked by Dave ...what a way to start the day. After cleaning up we were on our way at about 8.30am to Seymour...
Our first stop was at an old gold mining site just out of Heathcote to see what the miners did to the land when they used "water blasting" to separate gold bearing rock from the soil....It has left the area much like a "mars landscape" and the land is unable to be used...
Leaving Heathcote it was up the Mc Ivor Highway north to Tooborac for morning tea. Along the way we decided to ride as a group with rotating leaders which we have tried unsuccessfully on other rides...So it was with some trepidation that Phil organized this part of the ride ( approx. 20kms)....well surprise, surprise actually worked and in to a rather strong southerly breeze it made for good riding....Well done Phil!
After some good coffee at Tooborac it was on to Seymour with the wind coming over our right shoulder. It made for very fast riding often hitting speeds of over 40 km/h. Along the road we passed the Puckapunyal Army Camp which brought back memories to me of my Army Cadet days at school.
Arriving in Seymour at about midday we found an excellent café opposite the rail station for lunch.
Those who were heading back to Melbourne by train sorted out the timetable and Jeff, Anthony, Ray and I packed the ute and headed home by car. We had a slight deviation back to Seymour as I lost my "pouch" with my money clip and credit cards...bugger really but all my fault!
As this is the last pot for this trip it is important to thank Gary Giles for his excellent organization on what was a great 4 days and to thank Dave for his hospitality in Heathcote.
The memories of the trip will stay with those who participated forever.
According to my Garmin we travelled about 265kms over very pretty country with good weather and great company....congrats to all wheeliebinners who came on the journey

Ellio "cooking up a storm" on the BBQ

Jeff preparing the salads...tasted great!!

Enjoying a great final dinner

Yes this is Dave's heaven!!...note the lovely gum tree!

Some the kangaroos who were interested in looking at us!

Looking at the mine site in Heathcote where they water blasted the soil!!!

Along the road from Tooborac to Seymour ...outside Puckapunyal

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Day 3 - Castlemaine to Heathcote - 61 kms

Today the weather was a little wet with thunder storms looming for most of the ride. The temp was in the high 20's for the ride and the wind was light , the road surfaces were good and we had a mixture of flatish terrain with some rolling hills....all of this made for good riding with good speed on the roads.
We started at about 8.00m with a ride around Castlemaine looking for a coffee shop to get an early morning "hit" ahead of the ride....well Castlemaine is very "sleepy" with virtually no shops open for business so we settled on the coffee shop at the railway station....quite good coffee in a different location! ( see photo later)
After coffee it was on with the ride through some lovely country...mainly sheep country as opposed to the past few days which was very much cropping country ( wheat and canola). This area also has a rich history in gold mining which saw it as a key area of mining in the gold rush of the 1850's. During the ride we had a few drops of rain which required us to put on wet weather gear at different times. We made it to our lunch stop at Redesdale by 11.00am which was very early and we decided to have a coffee break....very lucky as the weather closed in with a heavy and thunder and a lot of rain. Lucky for us we settled in at the coffee shop enjoying good coffee and cakes sheltered from the storm. 
After waiting about an hour and a half we "braved" the elements to resume the remaining 25kms to Heathcote. This ride was over some 'rolling hills" with some steeper parts ( 12-14%) and some good downhill runs...all made for great times!
We arrived at Heathcote at about 1.30pm. we are staying at Dave Little's holiday home which is terrific and "very comfortable". Dave's daughter has the house next door which means we can spread out a little in to good rooms which means we can isolate the heavy snorers such as Ellio and myself!
Seems there might be a good night of sleep for some who are looking a bit weary after a night or 2 of interrupted sleep.
Dave has a great set up with a house which makes the best of the views and has good outdoor eating and entertainment areas.
Tonight we will enjoy the great cooking that is anticipated with Ellio's reputation as a great cook. Good food, great location and fabulous company....what more can you want!
Enjoy the photo's....

Coffee at Castlemaine railway station...

A monument recording the start of the Gold Rush...note the guy walked to Chewton from Williamstown ( near Melbourne)

The ute in the rain at Redesdale...what a thunderstorm!!

...but under shelter having a coffee and good home made cakes!!!

Friday, 24 November 2017

Day 2- Daylesford to Castlemaine- 86Kms

Today was a reasonably hot day with the temps in the high 20's to start with and then in the middle of the day it was in the mid 30's with reasonably high humidity...tough in the middle of the day....
We started from Daylesford at about 8.30 after a good breakfast. There was a bit of a shower for the 2 km ride in to the town then after that it was reasonably clear. The trip through to Hepburn Springs was largely downhill then it was open flatish farmland along the Lodden valley through to the Cairn Curran Reservoir. The wind was from the north so we had a little of a headwind. We stopped at Newstead for coffee in a delightful café. This was well served by some very friendly staff with good coffee and will see a photo later.
The trip through to Maldon for lunch was through good farming country with many of the farmers out on their tractors doing the harvest.....
The ride in to Maldon was hot and Maldon sits on the top of the hill which caused us to slowly make our way....Gary was struggling with cramps so I made a run in to town to get the ute to collect Gary so he could recover in the A/C car and over lunch .....He made a good recovery.
Lunch was in a delightful park near the Maldon museum and we had the opportunity to visit the history of the area courtesy of the women who ran the venue. Bill Woodfull came from Maldon (Middle name is Maldon after the town where his father was the local minister). Rather topical given Bill's cricket past and the Ashes Test being played in Brisbane.
After a rest and lunch it was off for the final 15 kms to Castlemaine with a largely downhillroad and the wind behind our backs....made for good riding.
we arrived at about 3.30pm and settled in tour cabins with a couple of beers...very pleasant!!
A good day of riding but tough in the middle of the day due to the heat!

Morning Tea at Newstead...Lovely café

Some of the faming country....

After ride beer with the group!

Pictures from today's ride
Gary our leader

 Lavender farm at Restaurant
 Home for the night with the Lyrebirds

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Day 1- 24 November- Ballan to Daylesford

An early start ) 6.30am) to pack the "ute" and collect the "boys" that were accompanying me to the Ballan rail station. Those accompanying me were Anthony, Ray and Jeff. we made good time to Ballan and were in time to have a coffee and pick up rolls and bread for lunch. The others (Gary, Phil. Chris, Frank, Dave and Ellio) made their way successfully by train to Ballan and we were on our way by about 11.00am.
I took 'first turn" at driving the ute as we make regular changes so everyone has a turn off then bike.
The weather was in the high 20's and was quite humid so riding was quite hot.....
The roads were very good and quiet so the riding was good...not many hills, just rolling country.
After meeting the guys at Gordon it was "on the bike" for my ride.... quite pleasant really
We had lunch at the Korweinguboora oval which quite nice although the grass needed a good mow.
After lunch it was on the Daylesford where we are staying the night. We are staying a little out of town at Jubilee Lake and are in camp cottages which are quite comfortable.There is some local wild life ( Lyrebirds) which are quite pretty.
A good first day
I am afraid that the WIFI is poor and downloading pictures is impossible.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

4 Day Ride Coming Up
I have a 4 day ride through central Victoria coming up next week from Friday 24 November to Monday 27 November.
10 of us from the "wheeliebinners" riding group in Melbourne are doing a supported ride through some interesting country with distances of about 65kms each day.
Hope you enjoy the blogs each day....

Peter Harrison